14 Types of Errors in Python and Their Resolution: A Comprehensive Guide

types of errors in python

Dear friends, let’s discuss 14 types of errors in python with its resolution.

1) SyntaxErrors

When you break the rules of Python’s language, you’ll face syntax errors. These mistakes can stem from typos or improper use of Python’s keywords and symbols. Python will promptly flag these issues and generate a Syntax Error for you to tackle.

Example of syntax types of errors in python:

print("Hello, World"


File "<string>", line 1
    print("Hello, World"
SyntaxError: '(' was never closed


In syntax types of errors in python, the syntax error was caused by a missing closing parenthesis. To fix it, simply add the missing parenthesis:

print("Hello, World")

2) IndentationErrors

In Python, consistent indentation is crucial for defining code blocks as it enhances readability. However, failure to adhere to the correct indentation rules may lead to an indentation error, also known as Indentation Error.

Example of indentation types of errors in python:

def my_function():
print("Indented improperly")


File "<stdin>", line 2
    print("Indented improperly")
IndentationError: expected an indented block


To fix indentation types of errors in python, make sure that the code block is properly indented. In Python, it is customary to use either four spaces or a tab for each level of indentation.

def my_function():
    print("Properly indented")

3) NameError

A NameError is raised when attempting to access a variable or function that has not been defined within the current scope.

Example of name types of errors in python:



NameError: name 'undefined_variable' is not defined


To fix a name types of errors in python, ensure that the variable or function you are attempting to access is properly defined within the current scope.

undefined_variable = "I am defined now"

4) TypeError

A TypeError arises when you try to carry out an operation on an object that is not of the appropriate type.

Example of type of error in python:

x = 10
y = "5"
sum = x + y


TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'


To fix a TypeError, it is crucial to ensure that the operands have compatible types for the operation you wish to execute. One possible solution is to employ type casting or conversion functions to rectify any incorrect types.

x = 10
y = "5"
sum = x + int(y)  # Convert y to an integer

5) AttributeError

When attempting to access an attribute or method that is not present on an object, an AttributeError is raised.

Example of attribute types of error in python

my_list = [1, 2, 3]


ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list


To resolve an AttributeError, make sure that the object you are working with actually has the attribute or method you are trying to access.

my_list = [1, 2, 3]
my_list.remove(3)  # Correct method

6) ValueError

A ValueError occurs when a function is given an argument that is of the correct type, but has an unsuitable value.

Example of value types of errors in python



ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'Hello'


In order to overcome a ValueError, it is vital to ensure that the given input value is suitable for the function’s requirements. In this particular case, it is imperative to offer a string that can be effortlessly converted into an integer.


7) KeyError

When attempting to access a key that does not exist in a dictionary, a KeyError exception occurs.

Example of key types of errors in python

my_dict = {"name": "Alice", "age": 30}


KeyError: 'address'


To effectively resolve a KeyError, it is crucial to ensure that the key you are attempting to access actually exists within the dictionary.

my_dict = {"name": "Alice", "age": 30, "address": "123 Main St"}

8) IndexError

If you attempt to access an index in a sequence (such as a list or a string) that is beyond its range, an IndexError will occur.

my_list = [1, 2, 3]

Example of index types of errors in python

IndexError: list index out of range


In order to efficiently resolve an IndexError, it is crucial to verify that the index you are attempting to access falls within the permissible range for the given sequence.

my_list = [1, 2, 3]
print(my_list[2])  # Accessing the third element (index 2)

9) FileNotFoundError

If you attempt to open or modify a file that does not exist, a FileNotFoundError will be raised.

Example of filenotfound types of errors in python

with open("non_existent_file.txt", "r") as file:
    data = file.read()

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'non_existent_file.txt'


To fix the FileNotFoundError, it is vital to verify that the file you are attempting to access truly exists at the designated location.

10) Handling Exceptions

In Python, you have the power to gracefully handle exceptions using the try and except blocks. With this amazing feature, your program can smoothly recover from errors and seamlessly continue its code execution.

Example of handling exception types of errors in python

    x = 10
    y = "5"
    result = x + int(y)
    print("Result:", result)
except ValueError:
    print("A ValueError occurred")
Result: 15


In this example, we use a try and except block to gracefully handle a ValueError, ensuring that the program can continue running seamlessly without any disruptions caused by the exception.

11) ZeroDivisionError

In Python, a ZeroDivisionError is a precise exception that arises when you try to divide a number by zero. This mathematical impossibility triggers a runtime error. By utilizing ZeroDivisionError in Python, the purpose is to promptly alert you that you are attempting an operation that violates this mathematical constraint and is therefore not permitted.

Example of zero division types of errors in python

numerator = 10
denominator = 0
result = numerator / denominator
print("Result:", result)


ZeroDivisionError: division by zero


To fix the ZeroDivisionError, simply make sure to avoid dividing by zero. You can achieve this by implementing a conditional statement to verify that the denominator is not zero. To help you with this, I have provided an improved version of the code that incorporates this check.

numerator = 10
denominator = 0

if denominator != 0:
    result = numerator / denominator
    print("Result:", result)
    print("Division by zero is not allowed.")

12) EOFError

In Python, an EOFError (End of File Error) occurs when an input operation terminates abruptly, reaching the end of a file or stream unexpectedly. This error often arises when attempting to extract additional data from a file or input source beyond its available content.

Example of EOF types of errors in python

Imagine you have a file titled “sample.txt” containing the following contents:

Line 1
Line 2

Now, you attempt to read more lines from the file than what it contains:

    with open("sample.txt", "r") as file:
        line1 = file.readline()
        line2 = file.readline()
        line3 = file.readline()  # Attempt to read more lines than available
    print(line1, line2, line3)
except EOFError:
    print("An EOFError occurred.")


Line 1
Line 2
An EOFError occurred.


Check if there is more data available before reading it to avoid an EOFError. Use conditional checks or loops to prevent reading past the end of the file. Here’s a modified code version that will avoid the EOFError.

    with open("sample.txt", "r") as file:
        line1 = file.readline()
        line2 = file.readline()
        if line1:
            line3 = file.readline()  # Only read if there's more data
            line3 = None
    print(line1, line2, line3)
except EOFError:
    print("An EOFError occurred.")


NotImplementedError in Python is raised when an abstract method is declared but not implemented. It serves as a reminder to provide an implementation. Used when defining a base class or interface.

Example of NotImplementedError types of errors in python

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

class Shape(ABC):
    def area(self):

class Circle(Shape):
    def __init__(self, radius):
        self.radius = radius

# Attempt to create an instance of Circle and call the area method
circle = Circle(5)
result = circle.area()
print("Area of the circle:", result)




To fix the NotImplementedError, it is necessary to implement a specific method in the derived class that overrides the abstract method. In this case, you must define the area() method in the Circle class to accurately calculate and return the area of a circle.

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import math

class Shape(ABC):
    def area(self):

class Circle(Shape):
    def __init(self, radius):
        self.radius = radius

    def area(self):
        return math.pi * self.radius ** 2

# Create an instance of Circle and call the area method
circle = Circle(5)
result = circle.area()
print("Area of the circle:", result)

14) RuntimeError

A Python RuntimeError is a general exception for unexpected errors during program runtime. Here, we’ll show an example, the output, and possible solutions.

Example of RuntimeError types of errors in python

def custom_function(value):
    if value < 0:
        raise RuntimeError("Value cannot be negative")
    return value

    result = custom_function(-5)
except RuntimeError as e:
    print(f"A RuntimeError occurred: {e}")

A RuntimeError occurred: Value cannot be negative


Use specific exceptions built into Python for handling specific errors. Document your code and error handling practices. Refactor code for robustness and predictability. Create custom exception classes for handling specific conditions.

def custom_function(value):
    if value < 0:
        raise ValueError("Value cannot be negative")
    return value

    result = custom_function(-5)
except ValueError as e:
    print(f"A ValueError occurred: {e}")

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