7 Essential Data Types in C++: Boost Your Programming Skills

data types in c++

The basic data types in C++ programming language are:

1) Character

  • char (signed char)
  • signed char
  • unsigned char

2) Integer

  • int (signed int)
  • short (short int)
  • long(long int)
  • signed (signed int)
  • unsigned (unsigned int)

3) Floating Point

  • float(single precision)
  • double (double precision)
  • long double (extended precision)

4) Void

5) Boolean

  • bool (only in ANSI C++)
Data TypeMemory in bytes
Signed character1
Unsigned character1
Short signed integer2
Short unsigned integer2
Long Integer4
Long double10

6) User- defined data types in C++ are

  • structure
  • union
  • class
  • enum

7) Derived data types in C++ are

  • Array
  • Function
  • Pointer
  • Reference
  • Valid range of data types is given in following table:
Type and lengthBitsValid Range
unsigned char80 to 255
char8-128 to 127
enum16-32,768 to 32,767
unsigned int160 to 65,535
short int16-32,768 to 32,767
int16-32,768 to 32,767
unsigned long320 to 4,294,967,295
long32-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
float323.4 *(10**-38) to
3.4 * (10**+38)
double641.7* (10**-308) to
1.7 *(10**+308)
long double803.4*(10**-4932)to

Operators in C++ with Example

  • Operators are used with operands in expression and assignment statement.
  • According to number of operands, operators are
    1) Unary Operators
    2) Binary Operators
    3) Ternary Operators

  • As per the type of application , operators in C++ are:

1) Arithmetic Operators

+ Addition
– Subtraction
* Multiplication
/ Division
% Modulus (Remainder after integer division)

2) Relational Operators

== Equal to
!= Not equal to
< Less than
> Greater than
<= Less than or equal to
>= Greater than or equal to

3) Logical Operators

&& AND (Logical conjunction)
|| OR(Logical disjunction)
! NOT(Logical negation)

4) Bitwise Operators

& Bitwise AND
^ Bitwise XOR
| Bitwise OR
<< Left shift
>> Right shift

5) Assignment Operators

= Simple assignment
*= Assign product
/=Assign quotient
%=Assign remainder (modulus)
+= Assign sum
-= Assign difference
&=Assign bitwise AND
^=Assign bitwise XOR
|= Assign bitwise OR
<<= Assign left shift
>>= Assign right shift

Following examples explain the use of some operators.
1) c=a + B
Value of addition (+) of a and b is assigned (=) to c.
2) int *p,q;

address of (&) p is assigned to (=) pointer variable p.
3) if (a<b && a<c)
return non-zero if a is less than (<)b and (&&) less than c.
4) r = a%b;
Assigns (=) remainder i.e. modulus(%) after division of a and b.
5) if (a = =b)
Compares whether a and b are equals(==).
6) a = b*c;
Product(*) of b and c is assigned (=) to a.
Value at(*) b is assigned (=) to value at (*) a
8) a+ = b;
This is same as a=a+b;
Value of variable a is incremented by b i.e. value of a+b is assigned to variable a.
9) a=20;

Here binary equivalent of a is 10100
Left shift operator shifts all 1 to left by specified number of places. And similarly the right shift operator.
B = a < < 1 = > 101000 = > b = 40
c = a < < 2 = > 1010000 = > c = 80
d = a > > 1 = >1010 = > d = 5
This indicates that left shift double the number and right shift half the number.
10) a > > = 2;
This is same as a=a>>2;
Right shift(>>) a by 2 and assign evaluated value to variable a.

Punctuators in C++

  • Punctuators are also know as separators.
  • These are the part of syntax.
  • Every punctuators has its own meaning.
  • Most of these punctuators also function as operators.
  • C++ (turbo) provides following punctuators .
[ ]Bracketsarray
( )Parenthesesfunction
{ }Bracesblock
;Semicolonstatement terminator
Ellipsisin generic programming
*Asteriskmultiplication, value at
=Equal Signassign to
#Pound Signpre-processor

Comments in C++

  • Many times in the program, it is necessary to insert some remarks for the programmer.
  • These remarks can be inserted as comments.
  • Comments are used to describe the particular statements.
  • The comment may be of one or more lines.
  • Single line comments starts with double slashes i.e //
  • Multi-line comment begins with /* and ends with */
  • Compiler does not pay attention towards what is written in comments.
  • That is, compiler ignores comment from execution.
  • Example:
    1. // This is single line comment.
    2. // Program to find roots of quadratic equation
    3. /* this is
    comment */

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