Essential Data Types in C: Your Roadmap to Mastery in 2023

User defined data types in C with Examples

C supports two categories of data types.
1) Primary Data Types
2) User defined data types in C

1) Primary Data Types

a. Integer (int)

  • This holds only whole number values.
  • int type consumes 2 bytes in memory.
  • Its format specifier is %d for signed integers and %u for unsigned integers.
  • The valid range is
    1. Signed -32768 to +32767
    2. Unsigned 0 to 65535
  • Example:
    int rollno, marks;
    int rate, qty;
    int cust_ID;
    int sum=0;
  • The modifier signed, unsigned, short and long can be applied to int.
  • A type modifier alters the meaning of the base type to yield a new types.

b. Real (float)

  • This holds number values with decimal places.
  • float type consumes 4 bytes in memory.
  • Its format specifier is %f
  • The valid range for floating point number is 3.4E-38 to 3.4E+38
  • Example:
    float percentage;
    float bill_amt;

c. Double (double)

  • This holds number values with decimal places.
  • double type consumes 8 bytes in memory.
  • Its format specifier is %f
  • The valid range for double is 1.7E-308 to 1.7E+308
  • Example:
    float percentage;
    float bill_amt;
  • A type modifier long can be applied to double
  • The valid range for long double number is 3.4E-4932 to 3.4E+4932

d. Character (char)

  • This holds only character values.
  • char type consumes single byte in memory.
  • Its format specifier is %c
  • The valid range is
    1. Signed -128 to +127
    2. Unsigned 0 to 255
  • Example:
    char status=’T’;

User defined data types in C / Secondary data types / User derived data types in C

  • The user defined data types in C is also called as user derived data types or secondary data types.
  • These are formed by combination of primary data type values
  • As per google, data types constitute the semantic and characteristics of storage of data elements.
  • The user defined data types in C or Secondary data types in C programming language are:
    1. Array
    2. Structure
    3. Union
    4. Enumeration
    5. Pointer
  • The summary of format specifier is tabulated below:
Data TypeFormat
Signed character%c
Unsigned character%c
Short signed decimal integer%d , %i
Hexadecimal%x , %X
Exponent format%g , %G
Short unsigned integer%u
Long integer%ld
Long double%lf
Always begin with + or –+
Left justify

Operators with example

  • Operators are used with operands in expression and assignment statement.
  • According to number of operands , operators are
    1) Unary operators (one operand)
    -> ! ~ ++
    — + – * &

    2) Binary operators (two operands)
    + – * / %
    3) Ternary operators (three operands)
    ? :
  • As per the type of application, operators are
    1) Arithmetic operation
    + – * / %
    2) Relational operation
    < <= > >= == !=
    3) Logical operators
    && || !
    4) Bitwise operators
    & |
    5) Assignment operators
    = += -= *= /=
    %= <<= >>= |=

    6) Shift operators
    << >>
  • Following examples explain the use of some operators.
Example Meaning
c=a+b;value of addition (+) of a,b is assigned (=) to c
p=&q;address of (&) p is assigned to pointer variable p
a<b &&
return non-zero if a is less than (<) b and (&&) a is less than c
r=a%b;returns reminder i.e. modules(%) after division of a, b
a==bcompares whether a and b are equal (==). Returns true(1) if a and b are equal otherwise false (0)
a=b*cproduct(*) of b, c is assigned (=) to a
*a=*b;value at (*) b is assigned (=) to value at (*) a
a+=bthis is same as a=a+b;
value of variable a is incremented by b i.e. value of a+b is assigned to variable a
here binary equivalent of a is 10100 left shift operator shifts all 1 to left by specified number of places. And similarly the right shift operator.
this indicates that left shift double the number and right shift half the number.
a>>=2;this is same as a=a>>2;
right shift (>>) a by 2 and assign evaluated value to variable a

Precedence and associativity of operators in C

Following table gives the rule for priority and associativity(order of evaluation) of operators in an expression.

( )Function call
[ ]Array
->Pointers to structure operator
~Ones complement
+ Unary plus
Unary minus
*Value at
&Address of
(type)Type cast
sizeofSize of
* Multiplication
<<Left shift
>>Right shift
<Less than
<=Less than or equal to
>Greater than
>=Greater than or equal to
==Equal to
!=Not equal to
&Bitwise AND
|Bitwise OR
&&Logical AND
||Logical OR
? :Ternary / Conditional
=Assign to
+=Add & assign to
-=Subtract & assign to
*=Multiply & assign to
/=Divide & assign to
%=Modulo & assign to
&=AND & assign to
|=OR & assign to

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